Dimensions Math® 6–8 for Homeschool
Dimensions Math 6–8 brings the Singapore math approach into middle school. The program emphasizes problem solving and empowers students to think mathematically, both inside and outside the classroom. Pre-algebra, algebra, geometry, data analysis, probability, and some advanced math topics are included in this rigorous series. Dimensions Math 6–8 is a logical next step for students who completed Dimensions Math PK–5, or for students ready to gain a solid foundation for higher level math. Dimensions Math is designed to better serve U.S. teachers and students. The series follows the principles outlined in the Singapore mathematics framework, including the Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract (CPA) Approach, bar modeling, and more.

Textbooks provide a systematic, well-rounded approach to math that facilitates the internalization of concepts and instills curiosity. Lessons engage students with different levels of problem solving and real world application of math topics.
1. Chapter Opener: Introduces a topic through a real world example and identifies learning objectives.

2. Example: Helps students understand and master a concept through a worked example.
3. Try It!: Gives students an opportunity to answer a similar question to check how well they have grasped the concept.

4. Class Activity: Introduces new concepts through cooperative learning methods.
5. Basic Practice: Provides simple questions that involve the direct application of concepts.
6. Further Practice: Provides more challenging questions that involve the direct application of concepts.
7. Math@Work: Provides questions that involve the application of integrated concepts to practical situations.

8. Brainworks: Provides higher-order thinking questions that involve an open-ended approach to problem solving.
9. In A Nutshell: Consolidates important rules and concepts for quick and easy review.
10. Extend Your Learning Curve: Extends and applies concepts to problems that are investigative in nature and engages students in independent research.
Workbooks offer the necessary practice to hone concepts covered in the textbooks. Exercises help students polish their analytical skills and develop a stronger foundation. Workbooks A and B for each grade correspond to the two halves of the school year.
1. Basic Practice: Simple questions that drill comprehension of concepts.
2. Further Practice: More complex questions that involve direct application.

3. Challenging Practice: Hard questions that require synthesis.
4. Enrichment: Questions that demand higher order thinking, analysis, and reasoning.

Teacher’s Guides (Grade 6) provide teaching suggestions and important information for educators to help students achieve math mastery.
Teaching Notes and Solutions (Grades 7–8) contain detailed notes and fully worked solutions for all questions and problems in textbooks.
Workbook solutions
Workbook Solutions (Grades 6–8) contain fully worked solutions for problems in workbooks.
Sequenced for Success
Dimensions Math 7 and 8 together cover Pre-algebra and Algebra 1 topics, with some geometry. Dimensions Math 6 is aligned with Common Core Standards, and so while it does include some Pre-algebra topics, it is not a Pre-algebra text in the traditional sense. It is a Grade 6 text.
Dimensions Math 7 assumes students are new to Pre-algebra topics, such as integers and simple algebraic equations, but goes farther into Algebra topics than would a traditional Pre-algebra text. Therefore, Dimensions Math 8 has greater expectations for what students have covered previously (particularly with regard to linear equations) than a traditional Algebra 1 text. The two grades, 6 and 7, are meant to be done as a set.
After grade 8, students may move on to Geometry and Algebra 2 programs.